Punycode converter (IDN converter)
Punycoder is a tool for Unicode to ASCII/Punycode and vice-versa conversion


What is Punycoder?

It is a web application that converts a text with special characters (Unicode) to Punycode encoding (just ASCII) and vice-versa. It is used for internationalized domain names (IDN).

Features & advantages

  • Realtime conversion

    Unicode to ASCII (Punycode) and vice versa

  • Free:Even registration is not required
  • Web app:no download is required

Use cases

  • Domain registration

    Entering domain name someone wishes to register in Punycode

  • System administration

    Configuring a system where a domain name is required but the sytem does not automatically do the Punycode conversion

  • Software development

    When there is a need to encode a domain, e.g. when making an API call


  • Software devolopers

    Who needs to reuse the HTML

  • Content writers

    Who needs to cleanup HTML

  • Webmasters

    Who needs to simplify and fix HTML for their websites

Company behind

Punycoder is operated from Prague by Glueo, s.r.o., a Prague based software development company, operating its own online services like Punycoder as well as providing custom software development.